We've always liked Honeybuns Gluten Free offerings and a big part of our regular outings to the library involves a trip to a nearby Waitrose café. Here there will be (fingers crossed) a Triple Chocolate Tinker for Sous Chef J to eat whilst he sits reading one of his newly selected library books. Woe is upon us on the occasions when there is NO Honeybuns treat available... this is
not how a trip to the library goes.
Luckily for us, it's not often that stocks are absent and, as we have the Honeybuns cookery book, we have also tried making a couple of their luscious treats at home. The Heathcliff Brownies went OK but Sous Chef J declared they're not as good as bought ones! We haven't yet got around to making Congo Bars and, as Sous Chef J likes all things pre-packaged, we do try to seek them out when we're out and about.
Being the thorough chap that he is, when we were considering making his beloved Triple Chocolate Tinkers (TCTs), he rushed off to retrieve the inner from his last cookie and proceeded to check the ingredients list with the recipe. Alas, it was not the same... there are oats listed in the recipe and yet no mention in the ingredients (which mention just ground almonds). We are going to give it a go making the 'with almonds' recipe, adapted from the one in the book and will blog our attempt at a later date. We'd communicated this anomaly with
Honeybuns via Twitter and learned that the reason for the difference was production requirements... and they kindly sent some TCTs to Sous Chef J in the post.
After our 'taster pack' of TCTs we placed our own online order to ensure Sous Chef J has some tasty treats to take on outings where we're unsure if there'll be a Gluten Free option for him. The haul we ordered was delivered really speedily and was very well packaged. The majority that were delivered (whole order shown in the top pic) have now been frozen (they defrost in 2 hours) and some, shown to the left, have been kept 'ready to be eaten'... which won't take him long!
We've seen Honeybuns on sale in Waitrose Cafés, at the Range in their café and a number of other places (which we can't remember at the moment). Their distinctive packaging means that when we see them we know there's bound to be something tasty for us to eat.