The damp bank holiday weekend brought ample opportunity for baking. Sous chef J decided to 'risk' making scones as well as his usual Lunar Cookies (see earlier blog entry for details of how to make them). He chose a recipe from Phil Vickery's Seriously Good Gluten Free Cooking Book (see link to the right
Next, he gathered the required ingredients and began to measure out what he needed to make half the amount stated in Phil's book. (We did make a little amendment to the recipe, using natural yogurt instead of milk... which is something that's been a long tradition as it's a trick my Nana used and her scones were THE BEST!)
The picture above shows some of the equipment sous chef J uses. He particularly likes the silicone utensils and his set of mini measuring spoons! Having weighed, sifted and mixed the dry ingredients, the remaining items were added to the mix and the kneading began. (This is something sous chef J finds particulary difficult due to his sensitivity to textures and his lack of muscle strength to actually work the mix). After a little help from Dad, sous chef J cut out his scones, "swiped" the tops with egg mix and placed them on a non-stick baking tray in a pre-warmed oven.
Once the scones were cooked... this is what they looked like, although not for long as they were soon devoured having been served up with jam and clotted cream.
Definitely a good recipe and one that will be made, with added fruit if he remembers, in future!
Apologies for no 'final serving' pic; sous chef J had other things on his mind once he'd finished his culinary creations.
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