When we first started on the GAPS dietary regime (which we follow to assist Chef J with his Dyspraxia and leaky gut), no sugar was allowed. So, we researched ancient recipes using honey as the sweetening agent. A few recipes seemed to use honey and butter to make a type of caramel/toffee and they also used nuts. Thus, one day we tried out a toffee, almond mix and our Almond Crunch was with us!
It has 3 simple ingredients. Butter, honey and flaked almonds. Initially, the crunch was literally thrown together but, to simplify things a bit, we finally worked out amounts of each ingredient.
To have a go at our Almond Crunch recipe, you will need 50g Butter, 2 Tablespoons Honey and about 50g Flaked Almonds.
First of all the honey and butter are melted over a low heat. Then the heat is increased (you need to watch the mixture as it can overcook easily) until it starts to bubble and turn a golden brown. At this point, add the flaked almonds and combine well. Stir the mix over a moderate heat for about 2 minutes (we use silicone implements) and then turn out onto a non-stick baking sheet (or silicone paper) to cool. There you have it... Almond Crunch (or "Not Dime Bar" as it's sometimes known here!)
It's a good idea to keep the cooling tray well away from little (and big) hands as the toffee retains its heat for quite a while.
Hmm I'm thinking I could do this with peanuts?