175g bread flour (we used Dove's farm gluten free which includes xantham gum - of yours doesn't you'll need ¼tsp xantham gum)
2¼tsp fast action dried yeast
50g caster sugar
2tsp baking powder (we used Dr Oetker gluten free)
50ml olive oil
50ml warm water (you may need more)
1 medium egg
1tsp vanilla extract
Putting the liquid into a bowl, we used a hand mixer with dough hooks to incorporate all the dry ingredients a spoonful at a time... and then mixed for about 4-5mins till binding well.
The dough was placed in an oiled bowl, covered with oiled cling film and put in the airing cupboard to prove for about an hour.
Once proved, the dough was rolled out to a large rectangle (roughly 35cmx25cm) and covered with the warmed choc nut spread using a silicone spatula (we used about two Tablespoons of spread, which had been warmed in a small pan so it was more pliable). Next a handful of chopped nuts (macadamia, pecans, hazelnuts all work) were sprinkled over.

Putting the dough, in its tin, to prove for another 45mins to an hour (again having covered the dough with oiled cling film)

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