Sunday 3 April 2011

"World Famous" Rissoles

Having finally been to the Feeding Clinic last week, we were dismayed to find that it did, frankly, more harm than good. As a result of the "clinical findings" and comments made whilst there, mealtimes have become a little more 'challenging' in our household. Luckily, despite what the 'professionals' who saw us may have thought, we do serve suitable, soft chew items to J and here is the recipe that tempted him back onto his normal food during the last, rather long, week.

This is a simple recipe that has been little changed since my mum showed me how to make it before I headed off to live life as a student. Chef J has added Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce into the mix prior to cooking - this is a condiment which used to be added on the plate.

To make it you will need:-

450g mince (we use pork)
One large onion, chopped and sweated

One large or two medium eggs

Sage (2tsp dried, or a handful of freshly chopped)

Lea & Perrins Worcestershire Sauce (about three tablespoons)
Freshly ground black pepper

Sunflower oil (for frying)

Chop the onion and fry in sunflower oil until translucent. Whilst the onion is being cooked, prepare the mince in a bowl by combining it with the egg(s) and other ingredients.

Next, the mince, egg and seasonings have the sweated, chopped onion added and it's given a good mix to ensure everything is coated in the egg.
As you can see, we use spoons to portion up the mixture before placing them in a frying pan to cook. They're cooked in a stainless steel pan which has been heated and is coated with sunflower oil.Sous chef J managed to get this pic of them sizzling in the pan... once they'd been carefully turned using an 'old fashioned' steel fish slice that was my Nana's!The rissoles are usually eaten as soon as they are cooked... but the mix can also be formed into rolls before cooking and then, once cooked, cooled and used in a picnic.NOTE: I often make up twice the quantity of this and freeze half before the cooking stage. Defrost thoroughly and cook as above ... makes an easy meal at the end of a busy day.

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